Monday, April 30, 2007

i need a vacation...

i so badly need to get out of
this place for a while...
i long to visit my
hometown...see my friends
and family...enjoy the
simpleness of my
small town...

Monday, April 09, 2007

blah, blah, blah

last week was
such a yucky least
at work...i was
sooo ready for the
weekend. i felt all better when i left
the parking lot Friday afternoon.
unfortunantly the weekend is over
before you know it and it's back
to work. this week will be better...
with all the bday outings, deserts,
Easter and my weaknesses (mexican food, pizza
and ice cream) i have blown
my "lifestyle" change for the past week.
it's so easy to fall back into old habits...
i wonder how it's possible
to break them for good. it has
to be done.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

things that make me {smile}

the smell of peppermint tea
fresh flowers...i love all the colors and shapes
pink stuff...not the pink frilly stuff...i especially like the solidness of pink. Like my pink pepper mill and pink coffee maker...

clouds...i love the shapes and the way they look with the sun setting
cooking...of course it does help having so much pink stuff in my kitchen.
returning to a good book you're
reading that you've had to put down for a while
scrapbooking and can be so fulfilling and so much fun
among many other things...
these two make me smile too

so, what makes you smile?