Wednesday, March 14, 2007

american's obsession with weight

do you ever wonder when
exactly America became
obsessed with being thin
& losing weight???
i find this to
be very interesting...
i'd also like to research
this some more. if you know
of any books or sites about
this subject let me know.

speaking of weight...
i lost 3.6 pounds
this week.

also, i said i would be
posting a new pic
of Mr.Kitty and Nike...
unfortunately i didn't
have my memory card in my
camera when i took a picture, so
i'll have to get another one.


Melinda said...

I would guess that there have always been physical ideals of one kind or another. When it actually shifted to being one of extreme thinness I would guess was around the 1960's... Maybe around the time Twiggy was popular. That's my guess anyway.
They say that what is always attractive to the opposite sex/society in general is indicative of good health and the ability to procreate-- although extreme thinness is the opposite, I think. (Maybe that's a different subject altogether... idk.)

Jennifer said...

My kiddos are doing well. I know that your kiddos would love mine, but I really don't think the feelings would be mutual. :)